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TSCM Media: News and Information


Murray Associates TSCM Information, Media and News


While we cannot provide specific advice to non-clients, we offer free information resources. Security professionals and the general public can find this assistance in the Downloads and Blog sections. Under the Media link, we have a variety of videos as well. Kevin’s Security Scrapbook contains a searchable history (2006-present) of spy and privacy news. Sign up (in the top right corner on the Scrapbook page) for the free updates. READ MORE


Kevin D. Murray is a published author, with a cell phone security book and multiple textbook chapters on TSCM to his credit. He consults with book authors to ensure the accuracy of the technical details in their plots, contributes to magazine and blog articles, and works with the film industry. LEARN MORE


Our introductory booklet and security reports are free to download. Some of the titles include:
Murray Associates TSCM & Information Security Services­
The Security Director’s Guide to Discussing TSCM with Management

Have a Question About TSCM?

If you have any questions about the TSCM consulting services provided by Murray Associates, simply fill out the form below, or call us from a safe area and phone.

If you think you are under active electronic surveillance or believe you have discovered a bug or covert video camera, go to our Emergency TSCM page. The procedural checklist there will tell you exactly what you should do next.