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TSCM Case Studies from Murray Associates

Murray Associates TSCM Case Studies

TSCM case studies show the need for companies to implement surveillance detection programs has never been more acute. Simply put, every business has confidential information and data that is mission-critical, and every business is competitive. Therefore, someone is stealing your information. You just don’t know it, yet.

This not only puts your company at risk, it also jeopardizes your relationship with your customers if the data they trusted you to have is compromised.

Murray Associates helps company security managers/professionals implement and manage their TSCM issues/plans/programs across a wide variety of industries. For example, we have recently helped companies in the accounting, biotechnology, communications, energy, government, manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, research, telecommunications, and many other industries. Our TSCM case studies prove having a protection strategy works.

TSCM Case Studies ExperienceExperience Increases Knowledge

Most of the work we do for our clients is extremely confidential. In fact, our first rule is everything we do stays secret unless we have written permission to share/divulge our findings to other parties. Some TSCM case studies we can publish, some we can discuss privately, some must stay with us. Every assignment becomes one of our TSCM case studies. Each one increases our depth of experience; making us better at what we do. At this point, we have over 4000.

Fortunately, a few of our clients have allowed us to share their cases. These show where we were able to help them protect their critical information and find areas were they were compromised. These cases have been sanitized to protect their confidentiality. Some of these TSCM case studies explain our inspection technology, too.

Have a Question About TSCM?

If you have any questions about our TSCM case studies, or the TSCM consulting services provided by Murray Associates, simply fill out the form below, or call us from a safe area and phone.

If you think you are under active electronic surveillance, or believe you have discovered a bug or covert video camera, go to our Emergency TSCM page. The procedural checklist there will tell you exactly what you need to do next.