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Wi-Fi GPS Bluetooth Surveillance Analysis

(DSLA) ™

Wi-Fi GPS Bluetooth Cellular Surveillance Detection look like this instrument. Wi-Fi GPS Bluetooth & Cellular Surveillance…

Smartphone spying, GPS trackers, Wi-Fi vulnerabilities and Bluetooth tag surveillance devices can go unnoticed.

Wi-Fi Detection InstrumentDigital Surveillance Location Analysis (DSLA ™) helps detect some of the most difficult bugs used in all areas of illegal corporate espionage surveillance, from Boardrooms, Executive Suites, off-site meetings, to transportation (aircraft, limos and yachts).

Many devices today use the cellular network for transmitting voice, video and data. Bugs built on top of GSM technology are essentially stripped down mini smartphones that are easily remotely-controlled by an eavesdropper. They only transmit brief radio signals when on standby resulting in long periods of radio silence – making these devious devices extremely difficult to detect and find.

Rogue Wi-Fi Access Points (APs) pose similar detection challenges, as do Bluetooth airtag/tile and GPS tracking surveillance devices.

These electronic surveillance techniques leverage the power of the Internet and cellular telephone system to instantly send eavesdropped voice, data and video worldwide. You might think these devices are expensive and difficult to purchase. Click here for an instant education.

Locating these surveillance devices is nearly impossible without the proper instrumentation.

Have a Question About TSCM?

If you have any questions about Digital Surveillance Location Analysis or the TSCM consulting services provided by Murray Associates, simply fill out the form below, or call us from a safe area and phone.

If you think you are under active electronic surveillance, or believe you have discovered a bug or covert video camera, go to our Emergency TSCM page. The procedural checklist there will tell you exactly what you need to do next.