Compare Us to Others.
TSCM service providers may try to gain your trust with well-crafted sales pitches, claims and mysterious jargon. This may sound impressive. But, check and compare closely. The claims may be lies, and the promised results often fail to deliver.
Murray Associates TSCM consulting firm is built on 45+ years of hard work with a focus on results you can trust. We have the knowledge and experience it takes to validate that trust.
When it comes to evaluating your privacy and security, it’s worth asking a few questions. You deserve answers you can understand. Get to know who you are letting in your door.
Please use the information below to compare us with other “TSCM” companies.
Compare – Then Decide Who to Trust | US | THEM |
Is Technical Surveillance Countermeasures (TSCM) the company’s only business? | YES | ? |
How many years have they been in practice? | 50 | ? |
How many years under their current company name? | 45+ | ? |
How many bug evaluation surveys have they conducted? | 4500+ | ? |
Are their recommendations security consulting independent and unbiased? If they profit from their recommendations in any way, their answer is No. | YES | ? |
Can you obtain their Certificates of Insurance? | YES | ? |
Are their “technical specialists” registered, fingerprinted, background checked, and on the books? | YES | ? |
Are resumes available for every employee who will be on your premises? | YES | ? |
Do they have extensive security and investigative experience? | YES | ? |
Does they hold recognized professional certifications (CPP, CISM, CFE, CDPSE, CISSP, etc.)? | YES | ? |
Are the certifications current, and ISO/IEC 17024:2012 accredited? | YES | ? |
Have they taught TSCM at a college and written for textbooks? | YES | ? |
Can you obtain meaningful references – in your industry, in your area? | YES | ? |
Are they independent professional security consultants? (See IAPSC.org practice requirements) | YES | ? |
Will they allow their findings to be verified via polygraph testing? | YES | ? |
Are they qualified to assist you with other security matters, too? | YES | ? |
Will their “expert witness” status stand up under courtroom scrutiny? | YES | ? |
Compare Proper Instrumentation and Latest Procedures | US | THEM |
Did they purchase their instrumentation new? (Not ebay, used, or surplus.) | YES | ? |
Is the majority of their instruments laboratory or government versions? | YES | ? |
Do they use Radio-Reconnaissance Spectrum Analysis? | YES | ? |
Do they use Non Linear Junction Detection (NLJD)? | YES | ? |
Do they use Time Domain Reflectometry to check wiring? | YES | ? |
Can their instrumentation conduct a NLJD test on your phone lines? | YES | ? |
Will their instrumentation inspect VoIP phones? | YES | ? |
Is Wi-Fi security & compliance included in the inspection process? | YES | ? |
Is Thermal Imaging Spectrum Analysis part of the inspection? | YES | ? |
Can they detect GSM and Bluetooth bugs? | YES | ? |
Will they detect malicious USB cables as part of their evaluations? | YES | ? |
Do they inspect for infrared emissions, fiber optic devices, etc.? | YES | ? |
Will they custom tailor their methodology based on your needs? | YES | ? |
Do they provide FREE periodic Security Reports to keep you protected? | YES | ? |
And most importantly compare… | US | THEM |
Are they sincerely interested in solving your concerns long-term? | YES | ? |
Are they really capable of solving your concerns, even if non-electronic? | YES | ? |
Do You Have a Question About TSCM?
If you have any questions about the TSCM consulting services provided by Murray Associates, simply fill out the form below, or call us from a safe area and phone. If you think you are under active electronic surveillance, or believe you have discovered a bug or covert video camera, go to our Emergency TSCM page. The procedural checklist there will tell you exactly what you need to do next.